Even though this blog was meant for my semester away I still feel a pull to write in it. It's now day two of my last semester at Bluffton. It has been wonderful seeing all of my friends and profs :) As I sit and listen to my CMC friend's recordings my heart sinks a bit. I miss them. I miss that semester a lot. Nothing beats being around music 24/7 for 4 months. That semester will forever in my mind be the best semester ever. Life moves on and doesn't seem to stop for anyone. Even though sometimes my mind is still back in Brentwood I know that I must keep pushing forward. There is a lot to look forward to in these next couple months.
CMC feels like a dream. Sometimes I wonder...did I really go there? Or did I just dream it up? It was that good. What made it good wasn't the music or equipment or that it was in Music City. No, it was the people. Semester 19..my friends, my family. I will be forever grateful that I meant them. I wish them all the best of luck. A piece of my heart will forever be in Nashville and with Semester 19.
Well here's to the last semester of my college career!! :D
<3 MusicMajor11
P.S Please visit this facebook page these two are talented!! Very talented!! :D I was privileged to work with them this past semester along with Rachel.