I am feeling so blessed and just amazed. I can't believe I am at CMC in Nashville with all these fantastic people. I am still pretty nervous about classes and starting the whole exec thing. But somehow God keeps touching me and saying you got this Danielle, I am with you the whole way. I am very much an introvert and opening up to people is kinda hard for me because I am scared of being rejected. But I have noticed over the years that I have come out of my shell. If you would have told me my freshmen year of high school that I would be away from family and friends from Sept-Dec of my senior year, I would have freaked. Somehow I just know that all of this is destined for me. Not one single thing that has happened to me is by chance. To see so many talented people makes me want to fall on my knees and thank God. He created all of these fantastic people. Each of us are so different and full of life. Even if I don't get to know everyone very well, I still think they are pretty darn cool. I just hope that I can walk in what God has for me instead of worrying about what others have. Staying focused and not losing heart is going to be my challenge. I want to grow and be who God made me to be. I know he'll be there, God is so much a part of who I am. Even though I have failed I still love my life. I love music and I know God has prepared me for this moment in time. Thank you God, for everything!!! I love you!
<3 MusicMajor11
Danielle - You are loved! Keep smiling :)