Monday, November 29, 2010

"Goodbye to you Goodbye to everything I thought I knew You were the one I loved..."

It's been a long while since I've wrote...tour was fantastic and much enjoyed. My Thanksgiving break was great, had such a good time with the family. I had a good drive back to Nashville with my dad and little brother. It was really cool to return to Brentwood to find that sense of familiarity. I was so excited to see my CMC family, I love them all so much. 

I feel so strange being back, I am processing so much right now. I find my heart already breaking for the eminent departure from the CMC. I am not sure what will happen when it comes to saying good-bye. I feel torn because I really do want to return to Bluffton, it's not that. It's just when you live and work with a small community for 3 months you seriously become a family. The thought of not seeing these awesome people everyday makes me really sad. I am going to miss this so much! 

These last two weeks are pretty full with activity including the Christmas Party and Last Supper. When I looked at the schedule for our remaining time it really sunk in. It seems so strange for us to be back but only to have a few short weeks left. I feel that we will all start to get back into things only to have them come to an end. This semester has been one of the best experiences of my life so far. I couldn't imagine not coming here at this time in my life. I certainly hope anyone who is interested in this program applies. It will change your life. Forever. I have made serious life long friends here, friends that will last. 

Right now I am really trying to process what I am going to do with the rest of my life and how music is a part of that. I really want to pursue publishing, but I have no idea where to start. I know  that God has went ahead of me and made the path. He is just giving me that path one step at a time. For now I really think that I can accept that, even though it is hard. I am going to try and remain strong and still before the Lord. He'll pull through, I know He will. 

Good night Everyone!

<3 MusicMajor11
My recording family and I :D

Rachel and I :)

Friday, November 19, 2010

"I'm walking on sunshine whoooa and don't it feel good..."

Well tomorrow is our very last day on tour. Wow. The show's have been really good and we have all worked very hard together. It is sad to see that we are almost done, but I am excited to see my family. It's been almost three months, the longest time I have even been away from home. I feel like I have changed an grown in good ways. I have discovered things about myself that I didn't even know. I have met some really incredible people whom I will never forget. I love the CMC and I love this tour. It has been a blast being on the marketing team and getting to know people from different schools. Each school has been different in size and type of people. Which makes it fun because you can connect with so many different types of people. 

Tomorrow is our very last show at Taylor University. We leave the hotel at about ten and then we arrive at Taylor to start the unload. Everything has gone great these past three days. The tear down is so fast and everyone has done a great deal of work. It's nice to see everyone working hard to get everything together. 

Tomorrow I will be managing my last show with my artist's Winston & Julia alongside my partner Rachel. It has been a blast managing my artists and just learning about what it takes to be a band/artist manager. 

I can't express how much I love my fellow CMC'ers and this program. I will certainly miss it. Well this time tomorrow I will be with my family :-) God is so awesome. 

Well here's to the end of a really great tour!!!! 

<3 MusicMajor11

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"Hanging from the ceiling Life's a mobile Spinning 'round with mixed feelings Crazy and wild Sometimes I wanna scream out loud..."

Here we are hours before our departure for tour. I believe that everything is's just a matter of being able to translate it on the road. I know we will, everyone has worked so hard for this. Even though this is an exciting time it still is a moment that came all too fast. The tour is the "capstone" portion of the semester, the high point. After that what happens? We go on Thanksgiving Break and we return only to leave a couple weeks later. I'm not sure if I am really ready for this moment. I feel as though this chapter in my life is closing and opening to one I'm not quite sure where it's headed. As a really awesome country group said.."Life's like a novel with the end ripped out.." I just keep thinking that God wrote the story of my life but He isn't letting me read it. He gives me a page at a time, a paragraph, a sentence, sometimes a word. 

I'm really struggling right now with how to feel. Home is so close, it's within reach. CMC is here and now but it's slipping away fast. I'm in some kinda of in-between state. Happy for home, excited for tour, dreading leaving this place, looking forward to Bluffton. All at one time these things seem to be hitting. I feel like I'm stuck in a whirlpool of emotion, nothing is real clear to me.

Well here it goes...CMC TOUR 2010 November 17th-20th. Don't think I'll be able to write much on the road. To all of you following this blog thank you so much. To my family know that I can't wait to be with you all and I love you. To my friends know that I miss you and care for each of you, can't wait to see you in December! To my new CMC friends I love you guys, you will all be in my heart even after the program is through. 

Here's to the journey!!

<3 MusicMajor11

Recording Family :)

Lisa, Rachel, and I

The Family again :D

Monday, November 15, 2010

"Dear Pacific day Won't you take me away? Small-town hearts of the New Year..."

Two days before tour...five days until I am HOME. Such a weird feeling let me tell you. I am sitting in on the final checks for tour. Currently the levels and mixes are being checked. This is quite a tedious process and we got started pretty late. Everything was supposed to start at nine but it didn't start till about 10:30 which has thrown a lot of things off. But I think that everything will get back on track :) 

Going home in five days is such a crazy concept. Sometimes when I think about it, it almost seems unreal. It seems like we have been here for far longer than we have. It's a good feeling though :) I love it here, so very much. I was reminded of that yesterday when my "recording family" and I had a fun day of visiting the Love Circle, Parthenon, and Radnor Lake. We had some really great times :) I will hopefully be able to post pictures soon. Also yesterday a small group of us went to the Waffle House. We had such a fun time there, I even got some mayo on me ~haha James ;)~ We also watched Dear John and fell asleep at 3am only to wake up an hour later because some of us has recording. I went to sleep at 4:30 only to wake up at 7 for registering for classes. 

Like I said I registered for classes this last semester at BU. Now that is such a weird feeling! I can't believe that I am so close to being done with college. It just seems like yesterday that I was dreaming of this CMC semester and how it seemed so far away. Also senior year just seemed so far in the distance. But now it is here and the first half is almost gone. 

I am feeling much better about my future, God has been giving me lots of peace. Even though nothing is quite nailed down I feel that everything will fall into place. I have a better idea of what department I would like to work in at a music publisher, promotion. I have done some reading on it and I think I would love it. Also I just keep thinking that my future is wiiiiide open. There are so many things that I can do with my life. So many places to visit and explore. Even though I can't see the ground below I am happy just falling...

<3 MusicMajor11 

Friday, November 12, 2010

" I realized I must be in California..."

God is so great. Can't thank Him enough for all He is. I am just so thankful for everything that is happening here at CMC. Tour is just days away...which is such a scary thought. But we are almost there, things are going relatively well. We have rehearsals, dress rehearsals, and studio these next couple days before tour. It is stressful to make sure all the schedules add up but it happened. So far it looks like I will be getting some sleep ;-) Late nights are starting to not bother me as much but I will admit I am looking forward to a regular sleep schedule! 

I still worrying about my future, it's really been on my mind lately. Where will I be when Bluffton is no longer my home? Will I live somewhere in Nashville or Ohio? I am entirely filled with questions about what will happen. I am very thankful that I have one more semester before I graduate. This is silly to worry about the more I think about it. God has had my whole life planned out from the very beginning. How foolish of me to worry when the Creator of the universe has everything under control? 

I can't believe that this program is almost through. Time here is something like trying to hold sand in my hands. It just keeps slipping by especially when we are all so busy. But the busyness is fun, it's rehearsals, studio, and classes. I would have never imagined that a place like this existed. I feel my heart already starting to break a little bit as I think of moving from this place. I know it'll settle into Bluffton and I love Bluffton. I am really excited to go back, but a part of my heart will always belong to Nashville and the CMC.

<3 MusicMajor11

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"...sleepin' all day stayin' up all niiiight"

Tour is now but a week away and pressure is surely mounting. Not just on execs but techs and artists. Right now I am in recording with my recording family. I really enjoy spending time with them, even if we are all tired. My goal for this week is to stay focused and healthy. It's easy to get sick if your run down with little sleep. I didn't get much sleep yesterday and at least late night recording isn't till Thursday. 

To be honest I am nervous about tour, just a little bit. I have never been through it before and am not sure what to expect. But I have faith that it will be great, it will definitely be a growing experience for all. 

For some reason I am really at a loss for words today, I think it is just me being tired. I think I am feeling anxious for home. It's so close, I talked to my little bro last night and it made me long for home. If I could do anything right now I would be home sitting on the couch laughing with my little bro about everything. I could go for a big hug from my family right about now. I miss them so much and I really can't wait to see them. But we only have ten days left, time is just seeping through my hands like sand. 

Good night everyone!

<3 MusicMajor11


Monday, November 8, 2010

"I'm so tired but I can't sleep standing on the edge of something much too deep..."

Today we started up our classes again after not having them for a week. It went pretty well although I can see that the late nights are certainly catching up with everyone, including me. I have to keep focus it's hard because we all go on Thanksgiving break next Sunday/Monday. I really do miss my family a lot and I am greatly looking forward to seeing them. Even with the excitement looming in the future I keep thinking about how I am really going to miss my fellow CMC'ers. It is really amazing how much you can bond with people you have never met before in such a short period of time. One thing that I keep thinking of is that we were and are in the same boat and we stuck together. I really believe that is why we are close, and I am so thankful for it. 

We are currently a week and about a day away from CMC TOUR 2010. We have a lot of work to do in preparation for this journey. This weekend as I have been told will be a big one. We have to take down everything with the stage and then put it back up. This will help us simulate what it will be like when we go to the different schools. All of the schools we contacted are on board for the tour. We were a little concerned about one of the schools, but they pulled through :)

I was truly blessed to have a wonderful childhood. I was reminded of that yesterday when I talked to my best friend and cousin Dustin. We chatted for a very long time about life and memories we share. We always have a good laugh about what happened when we were little kids. Sometimes I wish that it were possible to go back to those memories and just relive them even for a moment. Growing up is so hard and you don't really relish being a kid until you are all grown up and about to strike out on your own. I tell my little brother to enjoy the time he has in high school this year. He will be graduated in May and that still shocks me to know he's not a little kid anymore, he is nearly an adult! How time does fly...Life seriously passes you by if you don't take time to enjoy. 

Getting unexpected phone calls from best friend's are so awesome! I just got a call from my best friend and cousin Hailey :) It is so funny how close we are because we truly think alike. I was literally just thinking about her and she called. I really love her, she is such a beautiful person. She is just like a sister to me, I am so proud of her. 

Cherish family cherish everyone because they are truly special. God I can't thank you enough for them. I love you. 

<3 MusicMajor11


Friday, November 5, 2010

"Hello Seattle..."

Late Night Recording. Oh goodness. I am currently recording with my artists until 1am then again from 4-9am. It has been fun so far, I think we are all very tired though. I really do love these guys, Lisa, Rachel, Justin, and Derek. Couldn't have a better group to work with here. Absolutely love it :-) For example I walk into the studio with my hat, pink hoodie, and black sweats. Derek says " You look like a Bratz doll" too funny I say. Or when Justin wrecks the corner fort, good stuff here. On a serious note the song that's currently being recorded, is epic with a capital E. Right now there is a bit of mixing going on, then we are off to the Waffle House/Walmart. 

So Waffle House and Walmart was fun :) I bought a neato ghost pillow and blanket set...2.50. Thanks to Derek and Justin who saw them first. It's going to be pretty awesome for tour sleeping. I also scored a sweet Kool-aid shirt, it's purple (Go Bluffton). I am getting pretty tired now I can feel it settling in. But I'll make it, I get to do this instead of spending all night doing a paper. I am so blessed, thanks God :-)

Thoughts at this point in the semester...
Thanksgiving Break can't wait. 
Love these CMC folks. 
May or may not have wrote two songs...just for fun. 
Want to learn to play guitar maybe even electric. 
How much have I changed from September till now. 
What will it be like to be on my own. 
I wish I could capture memories and never let go.
Fall, cool air, and hoodies are my hero's right now. 
Can't express how much I appreciate songwriters.  

Goodnight all. 

<3 MusicMajor11 

I  miss you Hannah <3

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"Yeah, but she got a tan and I got a sunburn, I got a sunburn..."

It seems like tour tensions are staying about the same. For me I am feeling mildly stressed, and a bit sleep deprived. Today's recording time is from 3pm-9pm, so a pretty long day. Tomorrow will equally be a very long night, as we are recording from 11pm-1am and then 4am-9am. Our plan is to stay up the whole time and include a Waffle House break. Can safely say that I've never had Waffle House early in the morning, kind of excited for that. Now I am not excited about the prospect of missing out on sleep. But I love my artists and what their doing so I'm for it. 

As tour quickly approaches and Thanksgiving Break looms in the distance I continue to be more antsy. I am really excited to go home but I really am going to miss my friends here at CMC. Even though I know that we come back for 2 weeks it's still going to be hard. 

Last night was a hard night of thinking for me. I am really questioning what I want to do with my life. I really think that music publishing is for me, but now I am concerned. I haven't really had a chance to read up on publishing, and it makes me concerned.Can I really do this if I chose to? It's really scary to know that this is my last year at home. I may be moving in the summer or fall. Not sure where I'll be, or where I'll live.But I do know that God is going to help me out. I certainly can't do this on my own. Nor will I be able to. Like I have said earlier, I believe that God will open the doors that need to be opened, and close the ones that need closing. So here's to waiting...and knowing that God will catch me as I take this leap. 

<3 MusicMajor11

My waiting face :-P

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"You light, light, light up the sky You light up the sky..."

Tour Marketing. Oh goodness. Things are going okay at the moment, tensions are certainly high. I love all these people here, so for their sake I am trying to tread softly. I just think the stress of rehearsals, recording, masters, and tour are beating down on all of us. Thankfully I have been able to get my sleep and hang out with some pretty great people. That is why I am sane at the moment. I especially want to thank Rachel, she is a sweetheart and a wonderful friend. 

Right now I am in the studio with my artist Lizzy she is finishing up her first master! It sounds really great so far, its come a long way! I am fighting sleep right now, it's been a long day. My hopes are that I can rest this evening and just go to bed early, because I have recording 9-12pm tomorrow. The week is certainly flying by it's already Tuesday! 

The logo for the tour just came in a little while ago and I really hope it gets approved. It is truly fantastic!! Kudos to Lucas for it's creation!! 

I seem to have few words today, I think it is because I am tired. Well recording is almost through so I think this is it for now. 

P.S Enjoy some pics from this past weekend's Halloween Party! :) 

<3 MusicMajor11

Michelle and I

Me and Abby jumping off the stage

My roomie Amy and I

roommates!! :D

Monday, November 1, 2010

"Love is an ocean wide, we'll swim in the tears we cry..."

Well prep for tour is well underway and everyone is feeling the stress. The really nice thing is that all of our classes are canceled for this week :D This past weekend was pretty good, lots of late nights recording. Almost every night was till 3:30 or 4 am. So I slept in most days which was helpful. Sleep is one of those things I can't have less of. I went on a much needed Halloween shopping a Mario costume! Also I went with two of my five roommates to Chipotle my new favorite place to eat. Mmm burrito bowls. 

Last night was our Halloween party which was a blast. There were so many fun games! I participated in this one eating game. The object was to eat chunky peanut butter off of a piece of Plexiglas. There were two girls and two guys. Me and my friend Kyle won! Then me and him went head to head. That meant we had to share a piece of Plexiglas. We each had to lick the peanut butter off of our own side, it was sooo funny. Even though I felt like the peanut butter was choking me it was rewarding, I got a Chipotle gift card haha! Another quite interesting game was the musical chairs and donuts. In this twist of a classic game if you got out by not having a chair you ate a donut. Now the trick to this is that some of the donuts were normal while others had mustard, ranch, sour cream, and nacho cheese inside. Definitely a fun night :)

Today was nice, I got to sleep in and just talk with my friend and roommate Amy :) I have been at the CMC building since one today because of all the tour planning. Also there may or may not have been a trip to Sonic in there ;-) 

As for tour we are going to four different colleges, they are... Kentucky Christian 17th, Anderson 18th, Indiana Wesleyan 19th, and Taylor 20th. The really neat thing about this is that I can have my parents come pick me up from Taylor which is about 2 1/2 hours away from home!! I am so excited for Thanksgiving, it's only 19 days away.

I've been really thinking lately about family and how much they mean to me. I am so blessed to have such a loving family and that we are all so close. My little brother and I are just like best friends. Even though he is 17 and I am 21 we get along really well. I miss him so much, I didn't cry when saying goodbye to anyone except when it came to him. I just lost it. I can still picture the gray sky and tears that fell when I waved goodbye to him. But I can't wait for family time, Thanksgiving is one of the two big holidays that my family gets together for. I feel as if when I was younger I didn't really pay much attention to family things. But as time has passed I have taken great notice in them, and how I miss being a little kid. I was in such a hurry to grow up and now that I am grown up getting ready to start another chapter in my life it's hard. The great thing is I still know that little kid that used to play with Barbie's and play pretend for hours. I still know the little girl who dreamed big dreams and made wishes on stars. I am that same little girl just grown up and finding her way in the world. I miss being little. 

Well it's been a long day...goodnight everybody!


P.S Visit this website to check out my interview with Nashville Country Club about The Band Perry show that happened at the Opry...;sa=view;id=2346