Sunday, December 12, 2010

"I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean, whenever one door closes I hope one more opens..."

It's December 12th and the last couple of days have been crazy. We had our Mock Grammies at CMC last Monday, classes Tuesday, Pack day Wednesday, and Last Supper Thursday. Then Friday my parents bravely drove 7 hours down to get me and then we drove 7 hours back to home sweet home. 

Let me tell you a bit about my last days at CMC. They, bittersweet, wonderful, unforgettable and just plain amazing. I will never be the same person. At last supper we enjoyed a wonderful meal with wonderful fellowship. I didn't want the night to end. We watched the ever so funny tour video :-) Which was put together by the lovely Lisa! Following that we had a very emotional sharing time. People were sharing from their hearts and it took a lot for me to keep from crying. Here were these amazing people I would be forced to say good bye to the next day. I spoke, even though I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. Once all the sharing was over I remember hugging Lisa and just crying. I am really not one to cry in public settings but I just didn't care. I tried to hug everyone before they left knowing I might not see them the next day. My heart really did feel like it was breaking that night. It's like I loved them all so much it hurt. I wouldn't replace that night for anything. 

What's going to happen now? Well I have made a vow to myself to keep in contact with my CMC family and to one day see them all again. I also am still a little cloudy on my future but I know that God will take care of that. I am still thinking about doing publishing and more than likely I will be moving after graduation, maybe to Nashville. 

I am very grateful to have this month of break to help me recoup and to catch up on things. I did miss home a lot and I can't wait to visit Bluffton to see everyone. I am also very excited to spend time with friends from home and family. I am looking forward to many fun days ahead. 

To God, thank you for everything You are and I love you so much!!!

To my family and friends that supported me I love you all so much and I am glad to be back! 

To my mentors, profs I love you all too and I am glad to have you in my life. 

To my special CMC family, I will always have a place in my heart for you. Know that I will never forget you and you've changed my life. I love you all.

Well this is it. I have enjoyed writing this blog throughout the semester and I hope that you have enjoyed reading :)

Even though I am home a little piece of my heart will always belong to Semester 19. 

<3 MusicMajor11 


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