Monday, November 8, 2010

"I'm so tired but I can't sleep standing on the edge of something much too deep..."

Today we started up our classes again after not having them for a week. It went pretty well although I can see that the late nights are certainly catching up with everyone, including me. I have to keep focus it's hard because we all go on Thanksgiving break next Sunday/Monday. I really do miss my family a lot and I am greatly looking forward to seeing them. Even with the excitement looming in the future I keep thinking about how I am really going to miss my fellow CMC'ers. It is really amazing how much you can bond with people you have never met before in such a short period of time. One thing that I keep thinking of is that we were and are in the same boat and we stuck together. I really believe that is why we are close, and I am so thankful for it. 

We are currently a week and about a day away from CMC TOUR 2010. We have a lot of work to do in preparation for this journey. This weekend as I have been told will be a big one. We have to take down everything with the stage and then put it back up. This will help us simulate what it will be like when we go to the different schools. All of the schools we contacted are on board for the tour. We were a little concerned about one of the schools, but they pulled through :)

I was truly blessed to have a wonderful childhood. I was reminded of that yesterday when I talked to my best friend and cousin Dustin. We chatted for a very long time about life and memories we share. We always have a good laugh about what happened when we were little kids. Sometimes I wish that it were possible to go back to those memories and just relive them even for a moment. Growing up is so hard and you don't really relish being a kid until you are all grown up and about to strike out on your own. I tell my little brother to enjoy the time he has in high school this year. He will be graduated in May and that still shocks me to know he's not a little kid anymore, he is nearly an adult! How time does fly...Life seriously passes you by if you don't take time to enjoy. 

Getting unexpected phone calls from best friend's are so awesome! I just got a call from my best friend and cousin Hailey :) It is so funny how close we are because we truly think alike. I was literally just thinking about her and she called. I really love her, she is such a beautiful person. She is just like a sister to me, I am so proud of her. 

Cherish family cherish everyone because they are truly special. God I can't thank you enough for them. I love you. 

<3 MusicMajor11


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